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This is the on going record of my adventures travelling across the US to Jerome, Arizona, and my 2 month stay down there! A pilgrimage of sorts into revisiting and expanding my creativity! Why Jerome? In 2006 Rae and I came across Jerome by accident in the night driving on a crazy 158 S curve road over Mingus mountain to get to Sedona; went back to check it out the next day to explore it and I started crying standing in an art gallery there because I felt "at home".

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sept 30; Craig, CO to Salt Lake City, Utah

The layout of the pics is not working.... Again..I had a glorious drive through plains/ grasslands and canyons to get to Salt Lake city. I drove through a snowstorm!! Freezing!! I took photos of course. WILD Gorgeous sky shots - HUGE VISTAS!!

  • Woke up to hail hitting the window this am at the hotel. Saw the big coal fired Hydro plant; Craig Station
  • i found their Emissions Data

    • 2006 CO2 Emissions: 11,322,685 tons
    • 2006 SO2 Emissions: 3,586 tons
    • 2006 SO2 Emissions per MWh:
    • 2006 NOx Emissions: 17,081 tons
    • 2005 Mercury Emissions: 130 lb.................scary
  • drove for a while in the rain ....with GPS 'Matilda' not saying much all day 'cause it was one straight Hwy!
  • Stopped for watching a herd of ANTELOPE ~ cool!...and sheep...and turned back when I passed an run down old cattle enclosure..the weathered wooden fence posts were interesting lines in the glad i did!
  • sky got very dramatic..
  • - It got VERY windy - tumble weeds blowing across highway. I saw bicyclist on road ...and just as I wondered how the hell is he able to ride out this wind~!.. he pulled out his thumb to hitch a ride. I picked him and his bike up...on the extra bike hitch; Chris was a 52 year old Dad riding all the way from Boulder ( flew in from Maine) to meet his daughter in Salt Lake City. I drove him 60 mile to Duchesne, where he will rest and trek off tomorrow. He will have a FREEZING ride!!
  • Sage bushes everywhere-beautiful soft green dotted between the gold grasslands; which reminded me of the westerns and I kept imaging what it must have been like for the pioneers crossing with horses or on foot! HUGE OPEN SPACE!
  • Strawberry Reservoir, east of Heber; HUGE & beautiful in the cold wind! waves with whitecaps and steam rising! It started SNOWING !
  • Daniel's Summit Lodge; just west of the reservoir...BIG LOG HOUSE beautiful building on the crest of the mountain area- i stopped for tea and a Navajo Taco ( hot Chili & salad on a taco-so needed before heading in the snow storm-- oh so cozy --such a great idea- i was the only customer :-) saw a bear warning sign on the door coming in.
  • Salt Lake City!! After driving through the snow storm in the mountains I drove down....down....down...earpopping drive down into the big valley before me were all the twinkling lights. Matilda go me t,o the beautiful Heritage B&B, "Inn on the Hill" overlooking SLC...they gave me a delux corner room with fireplace and a bed that could sleep our whole family! With the fireplace on I unpacked and settled into this grand "spoilicious" space. A GIANT Jacuzzi HOT bath - a comfy white terry cloth bathrobe...I was set! And after hopping up on the 4 poster bed, I sunk into a delicious sleep sandwiched between a down covered mattress and a down duvet. Ahhhh!


  1. How fortunate I was. Yes, Katherine it was a very windy cold day and how grateful I was that you stopped and helped me. Thank you. So glad to read your about the rest of your journey.

    1. Great to hear from you Chris! I haven't looked at my blog till now and missed seeing your! All the best in what you are up to in Maine.



About Me

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I love exploring Creativity and what it makes possible. My business, Flourish Arts, is a natural expression of this. I have a Bachelor of Fine Art Degree from Queen's University.I'm a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Artist, and Certified Yoga Teacher. Creativity has always been part of everything I have taken on. My journey as a full time Artist is now possible and I am passionate in sharing my art with others and having people - adults & children ~ find their own creative self-expression!