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This is the on going record of my adventures travelling across the US to Jerome, Arizona, and my 2 month stay down there! A pilgrimage of sorts into revisiting and expanding my creativity! Why Jerome? In 2006 Rae and I came across Jerome by accident in the night driving on a crazy 158 S curve road over Mingus mountain to get to Sedona; went back to check it out the next day to explore it and I started crying standing in an art gallery there because I felt "at home".

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 5... on the trail!

DAY 5:

  1. Farm town of Seward; bought myself a Nebraska antique teacup from the "Simply Charming" antique store, took pictures of main street including the Cattle National Bank beside the town hall. Fill my coffee cup for the afternoon drive from the Cozy Cafe on the corner where the locals were eating their famed macaroni and cheese for lunch. Stopped in at the bakery where my car was parked, got a 'schnecke' Crispie and found out the clerk just moved there from Indianapolis being married to the Deputy Sheriff.

  2. North Platte; home town of Buffalo Bill...I'm intrigued. Registered in hotel ( after this its rest stations & couch surfing) at 5:30 to get ready for joining the last ILP class via Skype with Rae's computer .....Well the Wireless network was down and I was not connecting. took everything....EVERY OUNCE of getting OFF IT & being unstoppable to get connected to that class...finally had a center phone connected to my hotel #. The class was glorious! Our participants rock and the acknowledgment and shares were inspiring.
Sat am: This is what I wrote to my friend Charlotte last night ...which inspired me to finally create this trip / adventure Blog in the wee hours of last night/ this am: Yes - it totally works to be on my own-love the freedom! I am having a BLAST!! Every day something amazing shows up..... Today; I FELL IN LOVE WITH THE PRAIRIE SPACE!! CLOUDS ~ THE LINES OF THE CORN ROWS -- THE ENDLESS HORIZON,,,,,SO - SO BEAUTIFUL THAT I TOOK OFF ON THE BACKROADS TO GET CLOSE TO THE SMELL , CRICKETS, PEOPLE, SMALL TOWNS... I COULD SPEND MORE TIME HERE AND PAINT BEFORE I MOVE ON. COMPOSITIONS & PAINTING IDEAS ARE POPPING LIKE CRAZY!! ....AND THERE IS A WIDE OPEN SPACE IN WHICH I AM CREATING...ANYTHING ...ANYTHING! TODAY I CREATED THE POSSIBILITY OF BEING CURIOUS ~ KEEN ~ AND WIDE OPEN!!! Check out the meaning of 'keen' on the webster's site ~ its PERFECT!!! Main Entry: 1keen Pronunciation: \ˈkēn\Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English kene brave, sharp, from Old English cēne brave; akin to Old High German kuoni braveDate: 13th century1 a : having a fine edge or point : sharp b : affecting one as if by cutting c : pungent to the sense 2 a (1) : showing a quick and ardent responsiveness : enthusiastic 2) : eager b of emotion or feeling : intense 3 a : intellectually alert : having or characteristic of a quick penetrating mind; also : shrewdly astute b : sharply contested c : extremely sensitive in perception 4 : wonderful, excellent synonyms see sharp, eager

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About Me

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I love exploring Creativity and what it makes possible. My business, Flourish Arts, is a natural expression of this. I have a Bachelor of Fine Art Degree from Queen's University.I'm a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Artist, and Certified Yoga Teacher. Creativity has always been part of everything I have taken on. My journey as a full time Artist is now possible and I am passionate in sharing my art with others and having people - adults & children ~ find their own creative self-expression!