Salt Lake City;
I have an early breakfast and leave this cozy Inn On the Hill B&B. New Ice for the cooler and off to the Oasis Cafe for a Special Mocha Latte & buy a talking book for the road trip at the neighboring book store. Some one was getting a Taro card reading whilst I was in there. I hit the Why 17 for a fast speedy drive south! Mountains to the left of - plains to the right...and Vegas is only 242 miles away!
Cove Fort; Drive off for gas and time for some back roading!
- Fremont Indian State Park & Museum; I pulled off here to take a walk along a trail beside rock outcrops that had numerous Petroglyphs on them...most incised in the rock, through the red 'stain' on the rocks surface to reveal a lighter cream colored rock underneath which gave the image. Fremont Indians were agriculturalists who lived from about A.D. 400 to 1300. Here I am in 2009 looking at this art created so long ago..now that's a different kind of gallery! What tales these symobls tell ...it would be cool to time travel to know more. There's more details and photos on this link to the park: http://stateparks.utah.gov/parks/fremont/museum
- Drive down the 89Hwy --hardly another soul on there! A few motorcyclists..stop at a stream & dip my toes in; its a cloudy light blue colour AND COLD! An interesting paw print on the waters edge...5 distinct fingers and pretty big ( will have to investigate)
- The landscape is mountainous but more arrid....I come across a dead dear at the side of the road (2nd one on this trip) I stop and take a photo and give a blessing to this poor animal.
- Then the valley stretches out into plains - endless road and sky and plains and mountains on either side-Arrid browns, purple blues and grays and warm beiges... first just tumble weed and sage bushes and then grasslands with horses and cattle.
- Bryce Canyon; OH MY GOSH! This was a spectacular surprise scene and experience-suddenly there are a few red rock out crops ...a curvy road into the park; a 25$ entrance fee...a warning sign to keep children away from the edge!!...and a trail to the edge of ...a most spacious peach colored canyon full of interesting sandy rock outcrops - AND HIGH. I'm there an hour before sunset ~ perfect timing. I venture down a path to get away from the crowds-yes-this is where everyone was! I find a spot and soak it all in. A crow perched itself just above me on the ledge of the cliff- for quite some time...cawed and then swooped down into the canyon. Gradually the moon became more noticeable; the air got colder and the sun hit the far away canyon tops; the warm yellow contrast, the dark orange canyon in the shadow of the setting sun with the deepening purple blue sky was gorgeous!
- Kanab, UT; Parry Lodge 1 .5hrs later... after: checking out lodging in Bryce Canyon park(199$), the hotels outside of the park(Full or questionable); drove into a camp ground ..but chickened out; and then 1/2 hr north of Kanab, driving over something that freaked me out! A truck that had sped passed me was hit by a deer and I drove over their grill. Thank god I was driving slower - there were warning signs. The moon was so bright I could see the canyon walls on either side of the road in the moonlight...then just as tiredness hit, I came across the historical Parry Lodge! Cozy older place and perfect to rest. http://www.parrylodge.com/
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